Monday, June 7, 2010

6 of june is Swedens National Day. Like 4th of july to Americans. These photos were taken at "Jamtli". An old village that is now a outdoor museum. Here you can see how things were in the "old days". Bread making, old cabins, etc..... great place for the kids and adults. It was a beautiful day.

My favorite photo... Click on it to enlarge. (not the one of the goat)

Old style well....

Come and visit. What a place...

I love this horse....

And Moya loved this horse...
Alot of Swedens countryside looks like this...

Moyas favorite playhouse...

Just my style....
Froson in the distance...

I wish you could see the inside of this one, really cool....

Time for lunch....

Wherever you go weather in the city or country, there is always lots of lakes and forest to enjoy. Sweden is Beautiful...

Old lumber mill...

More old "Cabins"...

Old school way of drying hay for livestock...some still use this method.

I love the old style....

These are employees dressed up...If you were wondering. Island of Froson in the backdrop. Jamtli is located in Ostersund. Froson is 5-10 min away by bike. Froson is another beautiful placed to live...
Moya looking proud....

"Nords Svensk", Refering to the breed of horse... very popular working horse.

Another cool cabin..... normally they let you go in but not today.

This is what Hawaii roadsigns look like to Swedes....

Fences like these are very common in Sweden still... I'm helping Evelines mom & dad putting up a fence like this at their house.

Moya loves playing in these old cabins....

Cabins like this are still common here in Sweden. And yes that is grass on the roof. Actually the grass or sod is the roof....

Cool village, reminds me of old western movies.... Until next time "Malama Pono" The Vito's

Saturday, June 5, 2010

1st hike of the summer, Forsaleden Sweden cont.

The girls having lunch and taking in the view...

Moya still leading the way...
The water is so clean here.... Until the next hike. Take Care & Enjoy Life!! To my Beautiful daughter Asia. I Love You and Miss You. Love Dad.

1st hike of the summer, Forsaleden Sweden cont.

The hardscape here is really cool also...

All the fields are covered with these flowers....

Emma had to make sure she brought some home....

1st hike of the summer, Forsaleden Sweden cont.

View from campsite 3....

more of camp 3...
Moya taking the time to smell the flowers.....

Over in the trees at the edge of the lake is another beautiful campsite...